All about the Hustle!
A little insight about the event industry from the artists and vendors that have worked in them! Topics discussed are usually about best business practices, current events, relationships, creative stuff and how to succeed as a freelance artist!
Listen in and feel free to contact us about anything you would like to learn about!
Podcasting since 2019 • 28 episodes
All about the Hustle!
Latest Episodes
All about the Hustle!
WELCOME BACK!!!! Starting a new podcast to talk about the transition from artist to business man. We are talking a little bit about everything...SO listen in and enjoy a open convo about the life of a creative!
Season 4
Episode 1

Social Media....What platform is best for you and why?
Open discussion as to which social media platform is best for your business! sheesh I get exhausted just thinking of all the content i need to create to post everyday...Almost a full time job! We struggle like most trying to manage our social p...
Season 3
Episode 9

Damn...we missed out on gold:(
soooooo Something happened to our podcast...tonight was full of problems...bluetooth not working, feedback, live feed not working..ughhhhh .. No worries we will be back next week STRONG!!! Have a save week..
Season 3
Episode 9

Get me some customers dude...
This weeks episode really talks about how to generate more business and then nurture that lead into a paying customer. We really dig deep in what has worked for us and shared some ideas with each other. Listen in and give us some feedback and w...
Season 3
Episode 8